Monday, January 12, 2009

Awww Hell

Side of the Road

I've been stuck in a ditch on the side of the road refered to as depression. It's big time. Where the hell does it come from. I figure it's the onslaught of years of alcohol and drug abuse that I may or may not have experienced in the last twelve years. See, I was on my way to greater things when suddenly I drove straight off a cliff. Needless to say, I wrecked out hard and have been cripled ever since. Funny thing is, when I was little I got sick a lot; My dad nicknamed me "Cripple-Creek". This crippling is more spiritual than physical. Near as I can tell it's the coming of the greatest reconning a man will ever face. Sieze a dream. There's only two ways to go. Anyway, this is just thoughts from the side of the road, therapy of sorts.
See ya later.